The aftermath of an auto accident is chaotic for everyone involved, especially if one or more people are injured. However, if you’re ever in a car accident, you need to avoid certain big mistakes. These mistakes could prevent you from receiving compensation for your injuries or make your lawsuit less effective.
Underestimating Injuries
Firstly, never underestimate any injuries you may have received. It’s tempting to walk away from a car accident assuming you were only bruised. Many auto accident victims are more injured than they may think; adrenaline can mask pain or discomfort.
Therefore, you should contact emergency services after a car accident no matter what. Get yourself checked out by medical professionals and be sure to get notes or records of your injuries and treatments as they appear. These notes are valuable evidence you can use in any upcoming court case or insurance claim.
Not Calling the Police
Auto accident victims should always call the police as well. Even if it’s a minor fender bender, the police represent an impartial third party and can serve as valuable eyewitnesses if the accident is the fault of someone’s negligence. Police reports are crucial evidence for auto accident lawsuits. Remember, it doesn’t cost you anything to call the police and you’re never fined, even if they just take a report and leave.
Leaving the Scene
Whatever you do, be sure never to leave the scene of an accident! If you do so, you could be accused of a hit-and-run, even if you weren’t at fault for the car accident in the first place. Instead, remain at the scene until emergency personnel or the police arrive, then give your statement to the nearest law enforcement officer.
Not Recording Evidence
It can be tough to focus on things right after a car accident, but you should try to record as much evidence as you can before it is changed or tampered with. This includes but is not limited to:
Taking photos of the accident with your mobile phone or another camera
Writing down your statement ASAP after the accident. Memories can change or become fuzzy as the hours go by
Getting a copy of the police report or medical notes as they relate to the case
Your legal team will also help you get evidence. But any evidence you can provide them initially will accelerate your case’s progress and maximize your chances of receiving compensation.
Speaking Too Much to Insurance Companies
Lastly, do yourself a favor and don’t talk too much to insurance companies. Insurance officers are not your friends, no matter how pleasant or supportive they may seem. Simply report the accident and don’t give them more information than you absolutely need to. Without the advice of your law team, you could accidentally say something that may lower your insurance claim or compromise your chances of receiving a payout.
Contact Auto Accident Attorneys Today
As you can see, navigating the aftermath of an auto accident can be tough alone. But you don’t have to! Instead, you can contact Diehl & Hubbell, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. As experienced Cincinnati, Lebanon, and Southwest Ohio legal professionals, we are well-equipped and ready to help you file an insurance claim or file a car accident lawsuit. Contact us today!