Hamburgers for Heroes

We could not have gotten a more beautiful day than we had on Friday, September 9, 2022 when we hosted our 3rd annual Hamburgers for Heroes Day at Bicentennial Park in downtown Lebanon! Thank you to all who came out and supported this event. We loved seeing so many of our local fire, police, EMS, doctors, nurses, active and veteran military and so many other community members come out and enjoy some delicious Hamburger Wagon burgers! We served
over 1000 burgers on Friday, ate well, and raised a lot of money for The Lebanon Food Pantry to help our families in need eat well too! We were pleased to be to present a $3000 check to Lebanon Food Pantry! And we look forward to seeing all of you back at Bicentennial Park in September 2023!

Check for Lebanon Food Pantry

Hamburgers for hero's event photo

Hamburgers for hero's event photoLebanon City Schools Honor Roll Award 2022

OSBA Business Honor Roll 2022Ohio School Boards Association Award Letter